Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010


Sherrie set the alarm for 5:00am this morning, and I was already awake, but the alarm scared the crap out of me! I got up and had my shower, coffee and started a new book. The Climb by Anatoli Boukerev. It is his account of what happened in the disaster of 1996. Anatoli died in 1997 in an avalanche on Annapurna. I went to work early, and got busy! I did not even come out of the Pharmacy until lunch time. Jodi and I ran to Mazzio's and made a salad. Back to work, where the afternoon was equally busy! I took a phone call in the middle of the afternoon, and the young lady said she has been hired to be a personal trainer for the Oklahoma City Thunder Girls. She was looking for a gym to train her girls. She made arrangements to come by the gym at six. I got to the gym at 5:30 and rolled five rounds with Shaun, and Shane. Lindsay showed up at 6:30 and we talked for about an hour. She has a lot to offer us, and we have a lot to offer her! I had to go get Jordan's truck that had broken down.... I wiggled the battery cables and it started right up. I came home and cleaned up then had a salad and sweet potato for dinner. I am going to take a muscle relaxer and go to sleep! Here are a few pictures of some of the Thunder Girls that will be training with us!

Love you all!


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