Got up at 5:30 and had my coffee, while watching the weather. We had a small cold front come through and instead of it being 110 degrees everyday, it will only be 99 degrees. I left for work a little bit early today, because I had a lunch meeting with Jenniafer Walters today. We are moving forward with our Flapjack Fundraiser. Jenniafer is awesome, and has a huge heart! Jodi came and had lunch with us. I am glad she had a chance to meet Jenniafer. We met a Applebee's of course, and I had a chance to talk to Stephen the manager, and then my pastors wife Tiffany came in. Yesterday in church, Pastor Herbert preached from a giant high chair to demonstrate how some Christians are babies. I had Stephen talked into taking a high chair over to their table if Pastor Herbert came in. He did not, and I went by and told Tiffany what I had planned. We had a good laugh. I took a call mid-morning from my cousin Tina. I knew if she was calling something was up. My cousin Sherrie had an aneurysm and is doing very poorly. Sherrie is such a sweetheart.... She is always in a good mood, and always has a smile. Sherrie managed the business office of my families hardware store. She use to sneak my free soda's out of the machine. PLEASE pray for her. We were kinda busy at work today.... I really like it when we are busy. The day seemed to fly by! I acme home about 4:45 and got dressed for the gym. I was wearing my hello kitty boxing shorts and I had about 15 cars honk at me! I really pushed hard to get to the gym before Coach Parker. I like to get there and get things opened up and cooled down before class starts. We did bob, and weave drills, then shadow kick drills.... I did get bumped in the nose one time and my eyes started watering like I was cutting a bucket of onions! I am leaving early in the morning. I am going to mow a bit in the morning! More pictures from the zoo!
Love you all!
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