Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5th, 2010


MMMMMooooooooonnnnnnnndddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy, Ugh! Dropped the kid's off then off to Starbucks! Got to work early, and things were a bit behind from the weekend! Morning went pretty quickly. Jodi was out so I worked with Cindy> I came home at lunch and had a peanut butter sandwich! Back to work. We stayed pretty busy in the afternoon, and as soon as I got out, I came home and got Trey. We headed over to Mike Giroux house to look at his weed garden, or yard.... Then up to the gym. Trey does not go very often, but he should. He has a ton of experience.... And he is super strong, but he has a touch of lazy! :-) We came home cleaned up, and then I had to do Sherrie's homework. Time for work! It's going to be a crazy busy week. Lawns tonight, Thunder games, Wednesday, and Friday, lawns Thursday, and all weekend.... Oh well... Gotta pay the bills!

Love you all!


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