Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6th, 2010


What a day... Did not get up until 5:20. Would have run if the temperature was above ZERO! Worked on images for a while and then responded to emails. I took Trey to school, then hit Starbucks. I went straight to work, and there was not just a ton to do. Even though it was Monday, we have been slow the past couple weeks. I ordered some large format prints from Walgreens, and they did an awesome job. At lunch I went by Johnnies express and shared a chicken sandwich with Jodi, and then I went to buy frames and she went to get groceries. As soon as work was over I went to the gym, and got in the ring. I boxed 10, three minute rounds. My friend Chad brought his son Ganan to the gym to see if he would be interested in it. He did pretty good, but wore out pretty quick. I love working with kids. Makes me feel like I am making a difference. I met Mike at Louie's for a bite and to watch some of the Thunder game. We don't get to hang out often enough. On another note.... I found out that Norman Regional Hospital gets medicare to cover weight loss surgery because they are a center for excellence. I can send all of my scholarship applicants who have medicare to Dr. Nelson in Norman. That is awesome!

All my love!


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