Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12th, 2011


I got up and immediately started working on reports.... Monday is meeting day.... Well honestly everyday is meeting day! Jordan spent the night because she is in training at Super Cuts right next to my work, so I got her up and essentially we had five people trying to get ready at the same time. I took Trey to school, then Jordan and I went to Vintage and then off to Midwest City. Jordan hung out in the office while I got my day started then I took her to the training center at 8:30. I got busy at work we had the three morning meetings, and then I started getting ready for my conference call. It was kinda brutal.... We are discussing budgets for next year, and my budget numbers are increasing to almost unrealistic numbers. Oh well.... What are you going to do? I took Cindy to Pizza Inn at lunch for a salad bar. It is across the parking lot from Jordan's training center. She came in and had lunch with us. You could tell she didn't feel well.... I went back to work, and the afternoon was quite busy! I left at five picked Jordan up and then had to go to Gaillardia to pay rent for a friend of mine. We came home and Sherrie took Jordan to the evening clinic. They said she has an upper respiratory infection and gave her some antibiotics. I worked on budget numbers for several hours before crashing out! It was a long stressful day! 52 and rain in Paris!

Love you all!


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