Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010


Wednesday was hump day... Work was crazy.... If I have never told you I work in a hospital where there are 10 women to every guy. Today there were two guy's in the building, of which I was one. This could be a pretty good deal if you work at Hooters, or Night Trips, but this is a hospital where most of the women are post menopausal, and those who are not are a little crazy! I came home at lunch and read a couple chapters in my book. I am reading a story about George Mallory called "The lost explorer!" George Mallory was climbing Everest in 1924 when he disappeared. He was found in 1999 and this story tells about trying to figure out whether or not Mallory and his climbing partner Sandy Irving summited or not. Irving had a camera with him, so they are actually trying to find Sandy Irving's body, when they find George Mallory. This is such a good book, I can hardly put it down. After work I came home and got Trey then headed straight to the gym I was going to work Mike Giroux out before he had to leave for a memorial service. We sparred really hard, and Mike beat me up really good. He bloodied my nose, busted my lip, and caught me with an elbow to the forehead that left me with a nice goose egg! Can't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow. I will be speaking at the cage fights Saturday night, asking for donations to the Nathan Johnson Memorial Fund. We have three of our best fighters going into the cage Saturday night. Ian Freeman, Travis Chyzy, and Trisha Elliott. I have no doubt they will all win big. Better get my stuff ready for tomorrow!

I love you all!


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