Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28th, 2009


Monday started early! Our neighborhood is still a pretty big mess, as is most of Edmond. There are still spots where the snow drifts are 5 feet or more tall. Sherrie's little sports car sits so close to the ground that it would rip the bottom out if she tried to drive it, so I took her to work at 5:40. I went to the other side of town and picked mom up and took her to work. Her street is still a solid sheet of ice too. On the way to work I stopped at Starbucks and got my cup of bold. Work was quite busy, and if I might say.... It sucked! There are only four of us here in the office, and yesterday, Cindy (Our work mother) told us she is taking a full time gig at the new Norman Health Plex. Cindy has been with us for 7 or 8 years, and there is no way we will ever be able to replace her. She has always been a great friend and supporter of mine, in any and every endeavor I set out for! Cindy is also one of the best cooks on the planet! (Especially pie's) I took my mom home from work at 3:00 and the roads were looking better so she was going to run to the store.... She got in her car and it backfired, and started smoking so she called me balling. I told her I would come look at it.... After work I ran to the auto parts store and bought some carb cleaner. That did not work.... On the way to the gym I ask my brothers opinion, he told me to go get a PVC valve. I stopped at the parts store again... It was $4.00, and after a great hour and a half workout, I went over changed out the valve and "Boom goes the dynamite!" It fixed her car! I headed home and had a sweet potato, and some roasted pork, then a hot shower a couple of Lortab, and to bed! My back is still bothering me! Tonight will be my last workout until I get back from Utah. I started getting my clothes organised for the trip. I am taking way too much stuff, as usual, but I have no idea what the weather will do! Time for work!

Love you all!


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