Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Good Evening Everyone,

Today was a good day. We are still a little slow at work, but Thursday's are always full of projects. Right after work I went to the gym. I cleaned the mats real good, then ran for 20 minutes, ran stairs for 6 minutes, rode the bike for 6 minutes, then hit bags in a circuit for six or seven rounds. I took a break to work on some pictures, then jumped into class. We had prolly 40 students. I rolled with Nigel, and Travis for well over an hour, then ran home to get a shower and dinner. Sherrie told me we were having fish for dinner so I put tartar sauce on my chicken. She went to the store to get some fish and didn't like the way it looked so she grilled chicken. It was not very good with tarter sauce on it. Anyway I need to finish the pictures for Concordia, so good night!

Love you all!


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