Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009


Good Morning.... Tuesday was a good day. Work was fine, not to busy. I ran to Summit Co. at lunch to give the guy's there an invitation to the send off. The have some soap, body wash, and hand cleaner that comes in little dissolvable sheets like Listerine breath strips. I got one of each. They have 50 "Leaves" each. I went back to work and added a couple of links to my website. I added the newspaper story, and the Great State Report, it makes it easier for people to find them. Anyway... After work I headed straight to the gym, where I cleaned the floors, then my friend Stacy Phillips came and we did a cardio circuit, then we did combos, and started working kicks. At 6:30 I left and came home... Sherrie had grilled some Turkey Burgers, and after a little clean up, I finished some Senior Pictures, and copied a DVD for a lady at work who made a very generous donation to "The Quest" yesterday. Time to get ready for work!

Love you all!


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