Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12th, 2012


Hello everyone.... Been doing a lot of photography lately! Mainly Santa Fe Football; However, senior portraits and engagement season is coming up and everything is starting to get crazy! I work to pay the bills and shoot to live! That's just the way it is. I am on vacation this week. I was going to take Trey to New Mexico to climb Wheeler, but he has had football everyday.... Yes, they even practice on fall break! I have been sick for almost a week so traveling to altitude would not have been very smart. Yes, I realize I usually don't take advice from  people on what is "Smart" or "Wise", but in this case I listened. I did fall cleaning on the house yesterday. Dusted everything, mopped the floors, changed sheets..... The whole ball of wax. I shot the Edmond Santa Fe Vs. Lawton football game last night. Lawton was ranked #1 in the state last week, and we dominated them 68/28! If we continue to play like that we will be a force to recon with! I have so much I need to get accomplished this weekend. I want to re-sod the front lawn, I have three stumps that need ground down, and Trees pruned for the winter.... Guess how much of that will get done????? That's right.... Zero!

Love you all!


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