Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Friday through Tuesday, April 13th - 17th, 2012


It has been a wild week.... Last Friday was a blur. We were really busy at work, and when I got home the fam was hungry so we grabbed dinner and did some shopping. Saturday was a great day... I cleaned the carpets, kitchen, mopped the floors, and did some laundry. The highlight was having two of my pieces in the Edmond Fine Arts Institute Spring Sampler. One piece went for $250, and the other went for $375! It was a great event and I got to see one of my favorite people in the world! Sunday morning Trey and I worked at church.... Rev Run was at our church and the lot was jammed! I left church, took Trey home and headed to Bricktown to do some Senior pics for my friend Diane's son Cody. That was a lot of fun! I came home did the carpets again before taking the cleaner back, did some grocery shopping and then cooked one AMAZING dinner, for Sherrie and Stephanie. I grilled stuffed salmon, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and made some beautiful salads. I should open a restaurant! Just sayin!!!! Monday was busy at work too. Alicia had to attend her grandmothers funeral so I was by myself at work. I actually left on time.... We are full so there was not going to be anything I could do even if I stayed late. I came home and mowed my lawn. It looks sooooo much better than it did last year. I still need to do something with the pond out front and the crepe myrtle out back, but they have not been on the priority list! Tuesday's are always busy, since I have my marketing meeting but other than that I played catch up on emails, and organizing some things that get piled up! When I got home I made Trey go for a walk. We walked for about an hour. I have no idea how far we went, but it was nice. I'm gonna come home tonight and make him go to the park with me and do something.... Time to get ready for work.

Love you!


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